Thursday, 27 May 2010
Emilia's evaluation
We got to see how you live and what you like to do for fun, which turned out to be quite similar to what we do. Seeing all the pictures and videos made me very eager to go abroad. The only negative thing doing this project was that I got so sick and tired of spending my time in cold and dark Sweden and it looked so nice being were you where…
But right now (in Sweden) it’s becoming a little bit warmer and the sun is shining most of the time. Spring-time! It’s lovely.
It was very fun to see your videos and photos and to read all that you’ve written!
Best regards
Emilia Thurfjell
Camilla's evaluation
I can not think of anything negative with this.
Kind regards Camilla
Rebecka E's evaluation
I think projekt have been very funny and interesting to read about other teens, and their cultures and their history.
I can't find anything that have been negative with this projekt!
Kind regards Rebecka E
Ellinor's evaluation
Best regards, Ellinor
Awara evaluation
It has been fun to learn about yours countries and culture. I think this e-twinning thing is interesting but more suitable for other subjects. Best regards /Awara
Pierre's Evaluation
the e-twinning project has been very interesting. It has been fun to read about your every day life and it's positive that we can learn from each other.
Sometimes it has been very much reading but i think it was worth all that!
Best regards, Pierre
Josefin. A and Mikaela´s evaluation
This e-twinning prodject has been very fun and interesting.
It has been fun to read your blogs and to learn a little bit more about how you do things in your countries. We hope you have enyojed reading our blog and watching our videos. It is to bad that we couldn´t meet in real life, it would have been a pleasure. Have a great summer!
Best regards, Josefin. A and Mikaela
Fernando's Evaluation
I think that this project(e-twinning ) was an interesting way of working but like Sara W sad, I think that all of us had learn more english by reading a book or done more grammar.
Anyway it was a great opportunity for us to learn more about each others culture.
Best regards
Oskar's Evaluation
Best regards, Oskar.
Matilda's Evaluation
But it has been very much to read, maybe a little too much sometimes.
Best regards, Matilda
Sara W's Evaluation
I think that e-twinning has been a fun project. It has been interesting to learn about other countries, their cultures and history. We can learn from eachother and that's very positive.
I think I had learned more English by reading a book or done more grammar, but it had probably not been as interesting.
Best regards Sara W
Sandras Evaluation
It's good to hear from people from other countries and to see how they are doing.
We want to come visit you, and it would be fun to see you come over here!
Best regards, Sandra.
Thursday, 6 May 2010
How to bake Swedish buns
Part 2
* 25 g of yeast for sweet doughs
* 75 g butter or margarine
* 2 ½ dl milk
* ½ cup granulated sugar
* 1 pinch salt
* 1 teaspoon ground cardamom
* About 7 dl wheat flour
* 50 g margarine or butter
* ½ cup granulated sugar
* 1 teaspoon cinnamon
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Friday, 12 March 2010
School lunch
There's one dish each day, including a vegetarian alternative (and if you cannot eat pork, lactose, egg or gluten, then ofcourse there is another option for you).
We always get to choose between lots of different salads and different kinds of crisp bread.
We are offered milk or water.
I personally do not like the food, but i know many people do. But it is not exactly restaurant quality
The food in swedish schools is very healthy - we are never offered white bread, juice or soda, and they never serve dessert (it we're lucky we might get a mandarine after lunch at christmas time).
The most common things served at lunch in Sweden:
- Fish (maybe two times a week...)
- Sausage
- Soups
- Meatballs
and finally, a never ending varity of (not eatable)...
- ...steeeeeeews :(

Thursday, 11 March 2010
Basketball Program
There are two different kinds of basketball programs, one is a nationwide program and one is a local program. For the Nationwide program people come from all around the country to try out for the program, if u get accepted you’ll have to leave your current association. At the local Basketball program, the one I go to, you can stay in your current association. At the local program we got 2 trainings a week on Tuesday and Thursday morning, were we train with the nationwide program and their trainers. At the Basketball program we still get the same education as everyone else on the sports program like we can still pick the science subjects or the social subjects and even a subject specialized at economy if we want to. We also get a education in how to referee a Basketball game, like we can be referees for different adges depending on how much time we spend in the education
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Sport is something we do once a weak. To reach the goal for the class you have to have:
Knowledge and experience about factors that affect our health
Be able to discuss the connection between health, lifestyle and the environment from different viewpoints. For example the community and individual
Have the ability to valuate the importance of different types of physical activities for health and wellness
Know how to plan, carry out and evaluate a personal training program and other measure
Have knowledge about the body in training and rest
Know about the movements activity and enter deeply into the self chosen activity
Carry out different types of open-air life and have knowledge about them
Apply some of the methods and knowledge about tension regulate
These are just some of the thargets we must achive in exercises like, massage, ball sports, skating, climbing and so on.
We continue to fight for it!
Health and healthy care
What is expected of you that aplying and going this program?
- A healthy way of living with understanding of the link between health, food, exercise and rest!
- Good basiccantition!
- Good basic strength!
- Interest to will develop your leadership!
- positive attitude to learn new things and new insights!
- A high degree of ability to cooperate!
- Courage to take new challenges!
What direction is?
*Economy – if you want to learn how businesses and organizations work
*Culture – immersion of the human condition and business has developed
*Social science - immersion in history, social science, philosophy and religious studies.
*Language – immersion in strange languages, except english
We are also direction SPIN international. From a global perspective one learns to understand the humans living and theirs culture. You learn about international conflicts and what they can lead to. We work with organizations in Sweden and other coutries to create a network of contacts with.
The most of studens after the program is studying. There is a small share who do not work. The most of people who read on at univeristy studying law and social society is sales work.
English B
In the second year at upper secondary school you read English B. The course is 100 hours. In the course you have different goals of what you must learn. You're supposed to learn how to read, summarize and comment on the content of a longer text. Understand advanced English even if the content is something unknown. You're must be able to discuss different subjects and keep the discussion alive. To present your country and the culture for someone with a different cultural background. Then we have something called the national tests when the hole country has the opportunity the do the same test. They are different parts such as listening, reading, writing and speaking.
The tests in English are designed to test students knowledge in a variety of ways.
Which grade you get in the course depends on how your performance on the tests has been and how involved you were in class.
Nutrition is a subject where you study and learn the relationship between diet and health. We learned about what and how much you should eat during a day depending on how much energy you need during the day. What and how much you should eat is different from person to person. If you are a person who exercises a lot and if you do a lot of sports in your spare time, it is very important that you eat and sleep a lot. If you just sit at home and watch TV or surf on the Internet you will not need as much energy as a person who trains several times a week.
When we studied Nutrition we learned a lot about the foodcircle and the plate model and also the connection between these two. The foodcircle is a round circle who describes all the different nutrients a meal should consist of, and suggestions of foods that is containing of them. The circle includes nutrients as proteins (meet, fish), carbohydrates (pasta, potatoes), fats (butter, oil), vitamins and minerals (fruit and vegetables). The plate model describes how much of the meal a certain nutrient should cover of the plate.
Depending on what activity you are going to exercise, you will need different amounts of different nutrients. If you are going to compete in a long skiing competition, the carbohydrates should take most place of the plate, because it gives you a lot of energy that will last the longest. If you are going to relax and not work out, you do not need to eat as much carbohydrates, instead you can eat more vegetables because you will not need as much energy.
One time our teacher brought different kinds of foods that are common to eat for breakfast, like bread, yoghurt, oatmeal, seeds, juice and other things. We were going to eat the foods, not only the things we use to it, but foods we normally do not it for breakfast and also try various combinations of them.
We did this to discover new options and other ways of eating our breakfast
We only studied Nutrition two times a week, the second half-year of the first year in high school. I enjoined it very much because I learned a lot that can be useful in life. Nutrition is an interesting and necessary subject that I think everyone should be able to study in high school, not just the students that are studying on the physical education programme. Even if you do not like to visit the gym, go for a run, play football in a teem or other types of exercises, it is still important to learn about health.
Mikaela Hedstig
If we have read a language before we started Upper secondary school, we are allowed to keep reading it if we want to. We can choose to read this language as an individual choice.
I read the spanish language in Lower secondary school and wanted to keep reading it, so in my second year at Upper secondary school I started reading Spanish step 3.
Since I’ve read it in Lower secondary school I already have the basics of the Spanish language.
In Spanish step 3 we are going to learn tp speak Spanish more floating, and learn a lot of grammar and also to write and understand the language better.
In the end of the study course we do the National tests to see how much we have learned and how good we are. After that we get a grade on the course.
To read a modern language in Upper secondary school and clear the tests and the course, it will give you an advantage if you decide to keep studying after Upper secondary school at a university.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
About the cafés in our schools!
Almost every upper secondary school here in Luleå has some kind of café. They are selling for example yoghurts, sandwiches and different sweets. In my school, called Kungsfågeln, we have a special program called the provisions program. They are baking cookies and sweets that we can buy on our cafée, called Gesellen, for a small price.
The ones that go on the provisions program learns how to bake many sorts of cakes, biscuits, breads and they learn how to manufacture sausage. It is a three years long upper secondary school program for the ones that will become bakers or work in pork butcher’s shops in the future.
If you want to, you can buy healthy food in the most cafés on the schools too, like some fruits or sandwiches. Me and my friends love the cafés! We don't need to go hungry the whole day if we don’t like the food that are served for lunch in school. And if we have a really long and hard day at school, it feels so much better to take a nice break with something nice to eat.
Actually every day feels better with some sweets!
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
German step 3.
Everybody gets the opportunity to read a language in the lower secondary school, and those are German, Spanish and French. When you continue to the upper secondary school you will get the opportunity to immerse yourself even more in your language or choose another one. The most common among the students is to continue reading the same language and there´s a reason for that. You get benefits in the future if you planning to study further on university, but that’s only if you have read step 3. You see, the language courses are divided in to five steps, and if you choose the same language as you already have been reading on lower secondary school you´ll skip the first two steps and go directly to the third one.
The Swedish National Agency for education has goals for every course and this is some examples for German step 3:
Understand clearly spoken instructions, descriptions and narratives conserving their own area of interests.
Discuss everyday topics and ensure that the discussion doesn’t ends.
Be able to verbal tell about something that the student is familiar to.
Know a little bit about the culture of the countries where the language is spoken.
Monday, 22 February 2010
Athletic psychology
In the sports programme in Luleå secondary school you have to read Swedish A and B. Now we are reading our second school year at the secondary school and then we read Swedish B. That is a continuation of Swedish A. After finishing this course we hopefully manage to fill these points:
- Be able to convey our and others thought in text and speech, make compilations and conclusions and make our arguments heard so the people who read our hear it will understand.
- Is a better writer and be able to use the writing later in life.
- Be able to compare literary works from different epochs.
- Be familiar with work from diffferent parts of the world made in different time periods.
- Be able to see differences in languages who can be related to age, work, residence and so on.
- Have knowledge of the development of the Swedish language.
The grades you can reach is: IG = very bad. G = good. VG = very good. MVG = very, very good. And the better you are the higher grade you will get.
In the swedish lessons we do a lot of different things, we read, we speak, we write and read poems, we write stories, we learn grammar, our teacher has lecture, we watch movies, we write book reflections and sometimes we do other things related to the Swedish language. For example we had a author on visist a couple of months ago. She was telling us about her works and we had the chance to ask questions about her and where she gets her inspiration from.
Football in secondary schools
there is a three-year course which is divided into two courses, special sports A and special sports B. Special sports A has a duration of two years and special sports B only one year. The objective with special sports is that you as a student to develop and get a better understandig of the sport. You practice two times a week at school, besides you must at least have to practice three times a week with your club team, but the majority of football teams practice even more than that. As you can see, there is a lot of practices and at the same time you need to focus on school and all lessons that are most important.
The football practices is at an outdoor football field just outside the school. But in winter is it too cold for football practice there, so then we are in an indoor football field a few kilometre from school instead.
I have know gone one and a half years in sports programme, and I must say that it is really fun, to have had the opportunity to practice our own sport at school and not just at our free time, I think is just fantastic. But I must also say that sometimes I become a bit tired of football because there is so much practices.
We are now on our second year of high school and this year one of our subjects is English B.
We will learn how to write, talk and listen.
Some of the goals for this subject are that we will be able to with help of the linguistic adaptation discuss various topics and be capable of holding a conversation alive, understand context of a longer conversation, orally after preparation be able to describe and explain clearly phenomena of general interest and orally well in writing summarize the various texts.
We learn through reading books, listening to texts read by English-speaking people and writing lyrics as well as grammar practice.
And when we have been really good working students for a while Karin (often) is nice and let’s us see a movie or two and sing some songs.
Sunday, 21 February 2010
The upper secondary schools have a really tempting range with mind of your own interests.
In our town, Luleå, we have five upper secondary schools with different directions.
All the schools are gather around just a little bit outside the central town, you can walk to the schools in about ten-fifteen minutes from the central. All the schools are close to shops, cafés and different companies and institutions.
The five different schools are named:
(You can see the similarity that almost every school are named after a bird).
This school have programmes with a connection to different aesthetic directions. For example: Music, fashion and design, theatre and picture.
THE KINGBIRD (who is the smallest bird in Sweden actually).
Is the largest and newest school in Luleå consisting from the old hospital. On this school there are a lot of different programmes, for example: build/construction, hotel and restaurant, the sports programme (our programme), natural science programme and so on.
In this school you can study e.g. at the business programme or the social programme just to name a few.
Is a smaller school that has e.g. different media directions and comprise two buildings. The two buildings are brought together with a sky-walk.
That is a freeschool and there you can choose study an media-programme or a computer-programme.
We also has The Staling which is a library and dining room for all the students that are studying at the Eagle, Woodpecker, Lark. The Kingbird has an own dining room for the students that are going at that school.
The common health sports facility is The House of Health where every class has their athletics.
Which school you go to depends on what direction you make. But it’s not that simple, you have to get good grades to go to the popular directions (for example; the programme of hairdresser have really high grades).
On Luleå’s upper secondary schools you can study national programme, special-design programme and also individual programme.
If you chose to study on a national programme you have to study for about three years and all the national programmes in Luleå gives you a fundamental eligibility to study further on a University.
If you chose an individual programme you study for about a year and you get to decide your own content with consideration of your own needs. The objective for the student is to be able to go and study on a national or a special-design programme.

Thursday, 18 February 2010
Special sports
Special sports is an individual education, where the students can choose to practice their own sport in school. They can choose anything from show jumping to ice-skating but not football, basketball or ice hockey because these sports are already a part of the secondary education. If you choose special sports it has to be an individual sport. The lessons are two times a week. There are two courses to choose between, special sports A and special sports B. Special sports A has a duration of two years and special sports B only one year. And all that means that you can, if you want, practice you own sport during the hole secondary education. The sports program work together with your coach and it really helps you to develop your talent, whatever it might be
Swedish school system
Primary school has four different forms. One class for those who are 6 years old and then first grade, second grade and third grade. Once they have passed the third grade and are about 9-10 years old they move on to the intermediate level and begins the fourth grade. The school is becomming more advanced during the intermediate level. More subjects are added, such as English, History, Religion, Geography and the Student´s Choice where they can choose from various topics, such as Theater.
Once the students have passed the sixth grade and are about 12-13 years old they move on to lower secondary school and begin seventh grade. School is getting even more advanced in lower secondary school. Even more subjects are added, such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology. In the eighth grade the students start getting marks in all the subjects they are taught. At the end of the ninth grade they get their last lower secondary school marks and with those they have to try to get into the upper secondary school program they would like to attend.
Once the students have passed the ninth grade and are about 16-17 years old they move on to upper secondary school. Before they start upper secondary school each one of them must apply to differnt upper secondary school programs with various directions. There is, for example, the sports program, which we in this class are attending and so much more. The students attend upper secondary school for three years and then they graduate when they are about 18-19 years old. When they have graduated from upper secondary school, they can choose if they what to start working or studying at the university, or if they want to do something else, maybe traveling.
Thursday, 4 February 2010

The God of Thunder.
Thor, who is the son of Oden, is also the strongest of all Gods.
He has a red beard and you can describe him with a lot of temperament but he is constant fair.
Thor is married to Siv and together they have three kids named Mode, Mage and Trud.
He is also the God of thunder and all the free men.
As the God of Thunder he travels through the sky with his carriage with his two he-goats called “Tanngnjost” and “Tanngrisner”.
Thor’s only weapon is the hammer Mjölner. When Thor swings the hammer it creates lightning and rumble
But that’s not the only thing that gives Thor his strength, he also has a belt that accomplishes his strength.Thor is a wise man according to the myths and he protected his people against Giants that menace everywhere outside the settlement.
Idun (The rejuvenated)

Idun is the goddness of youth and married to Brage, the poet god.
She is wonderfully beautiful and guarding the eleven golden apples which the gods eat to stay forever young. None of the gods got to taste the apples until they were 25 years old.
Iduns background is dusky but some of the stories says that she is the sister of Balder.In every events she is the daughter of Oden.

Fosete is the son of Balder and Nanna, they live in the house Glitner, where the aesirs gather to consultation. Forsete is actually the best judge of them all, and can sort out all disputes. The hallway of glitner is a outstanding palace with roof of silverplates och pillers of gold. Forsete is so occupied with his work that he never or rarely leaves his house.
/Elin and Sarah
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Freja ( the wife)

SAGA - the one who can see everything

My name is Jenny Mäkikaltio and I’m 17 years old. I live in Sweden, in a town called Luleå, with my family and my dog.
I’m in my second year at upper secondary school, I’m specialize Health and wellness, a sport program. On my sparetime I like to do a lot of things. I like to eat, to work out, just be with my friends and just take each day as it will!
Have a nice day!